This post is for you who want to know more about the importance of sleep and my personal journey to find my sleep! This is a post that complements the downloadable SleepHypnosis that can be purchased here on the website SleepHypnosis is available in English and Swedish. SömnHypnos | Wellness in Trauma.
I think we all know it's important to sleep, but why? To cope and get energy, absolutely but there is so much more that happens when we sleep
What happens to the brain?
Sleep is needed for the body and brain to rest, recover and process impressions. We process emotions and experiences, which makes us ready to deal with the challenges of the next day. When we sleep memory is strengthened och hjärnan rensas från skadliga ämnenand the brain is cleared of harmful substances. Poor sleep for a long time impairs memory, making it harder to learn new things and remember what we have learned. In working life there are many situations where we need a good working memory, but in traffic situations, reaction ability is vital. We also lose impulse control when we sleep too little and this makes it difficult to resist temptation during the day even though we know it is not a good choice. If you can't process impressions, interpret them and adapt your behavior accordingly, it can have very serious consequences.
Without sleep, the brain cannot clear away the "debris" that accumulates during the day and it allows brain cells to be damaged.
If you have an important decision or a problem, you are often told to sleep on it, why do we say "sleep on it"? varför säger man ”sov på saken”? Well, if you are facing a problem, it is good to sleep for sleep will help you map the problem and find the solution. This is according to Christian Benedict, researcher at the Department of Neuroscience at Uppsala University. I completely agree with that and see this time and time again in my clients during hypnosis sessions when you get in the right brain frequency you can map problems and find solutions, so you don't have to sleep to get to that stage but sleep is fantastic!
So what diseases can you get if you sleep too little? Too little sleep impairs memory and increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease, poorer immune system, elevated blood fats, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, depression and fatigue syndrome. Increased risk of alcohol abuse and obesity. In addition, a hormone is released that increases appetite and signals that we should eat more. You lose the ability to deal with impulsive emotions. To explain more about what happens when the immune system deteriorates with too little sleep, it is because the Immune System plays an important role in finding and innocating cells that have changed, for example, tumor cells. Sleep deprivation can cause this ability of immune cells to deteriorate and this can increase the risk of developing cancer.
cancer.Sleep deprivation also affects your blood sugar balance and can make you extra hungry for sweets. (something I myself had as a large load, sugar addiction, drop in blood pressure and dizziness but help is available!)
For children and adolescents who are growing, sleep is of great importance because growth hormone is formed then.
Why is SleepHypnosis so effective? En enkel förklaring på något komplext är att: Hypnosen har unikt producerad musik med speciella ljudtekniker och tillsammans med mina tekniker i hypnosen så aktiveras hjärnvågorna för att ge optimal sömn. Dvs man når det undermedvetna och det blir rätt frekvens när man slappnar av och tillåter sig att hamna i frekvenserna för sömn, då somnar man. Men eftersom det inte ”räcker” för mig att ”bara” ge er sömn så är hypnosen och musiken även programmerade så att vi släpper stress/trauma, öppnar upp för läkande och sedan somnar. Den fjärde delen av denna SömnHypnos blir som en bonus, att mer djupsömn leder till mer djupsömn, dvs hjärnvågor som heter Delta blir mer frekventa. Jag berättar mer om våra hjärnvågor och hur vi använder/programmerar dom i mina kurser, seminarier och sessioner. Läs mer om hypnos och våra hjärnvågor här!
My Sleep-Journey

*Me at the Sleep Laboratory where they filmed, measured and analyzed my day/nights.
Not being allowed to sleep is a method used to torture people and I can only agree, it is torture not being able to sleep. I am often asked how I have survived and that and that it must be impossible. It's not, but that doesn't mean it's been easy or I haven't felt like giving up many times.
I live in a country and culture where we rely on doctors. When I received the same response from all the doctors I contacted- that they tried everything and they did not know what to do and after 1 year I was told that my organs will shut down one by one in about 12 months, yes these years have been very dark and my faith in the care was lacking, to say the least. Now it is more to it than that they did not actually have the knowledge to help, because there was a lack drivof drive, energy and, above all time att ta sig an mig som inte hade något enkelt att ”fixa”. Kroppen är otroligt intelligent och nothing happens for no reason in the body,whether it is good or not, the body follows commands (our thoughts/beliefs) and the signal of our sences. I have a hugely strong body, now I don't mean muscular in that sense (I'm working on it :) ) but strong in the sense that it does everything to keep me alive. What happened?
It all escalated after a traumatic birth, the staff made me unsafe and also gave me the wrong treatment. Fortunately, I had already trained a lot in mental training and was able to coach myself to stay calm outwards och ställa frågor ”vad gör vi nu, ska det vara såhär, det känns konstigt, jag behöver vägledning varför säger ingen något” etc. mer om min förlossning går att se här när jag gästade ”Malou efter tio” på TV4: Anna vågar inte föda fler barn efter sin svåra förlossning – Malou Efter tio (TV4) – YouTube
jag fick psykiska och fysiska skador. Vi blev hemskickade trots vi inte ville och jag inte kunde stå upp. Eftervården uteblev och bemötandet efter var fruktansvärt. Det kändes som ingen visste vad det gjorde och gav mig antidepressiva, läkarna sa att jag fått en förlossningsdepression och jag fick sömntabletter för att jag inte sovit en sekund sedan dygnet före förlossningen. Inget av detta fungerade. Ingen uppmärksamma allt trauma och att jag säger rakt ut ”jag kan inte sova, jag har aldrig mått så här dåligt, jag orkar inte leva jag har smärta inifrån och ut”, svaren jag fick var: ”Det gör ont att föda barn, det ser fint ut, det går över, ge det en vecka, läckaget i ryggen kommer gå över, du fick ju operation i ryggen ge det tid”Long story shortly after I fought for 1 year, I finally got help from a PTSD therapist. (that clinic has been closed down despite urgent need, the answer was that all psychologists should be able to cope with this - they do not and I am now training others in my techniques to get more people the right help i.e. I educate in what happens to the body and brain during pregnancy and the 6 biggest risk factors and why you get a Postpartum depression.) After a few years of constant struggle, of trying countless amounts of medication that only gave me side effects, I said stop! You do not know what you are doing, I want an X-ray on how this affected my brain. A cyst was discovered on the pineal gland. Depending on which country you live in, you either take this as nothing i.e. a incidental finding or follow up and confirm that it can cause many symptoms. To clarify, it is the pineal gland that protrudes the sleep hormone Melatonin. But where I live, it's not connected. If you look at it logically and break it down, traumatized, lack off help or security + physical pain, no sleep, also our baby was sick etc. then it´s not difficult to see (although I am now a trauma specialist but this was clear to me before and should be to everyone) that I did not feel safe and what does the incredibly intelligent body do? Aks what I want? No. Anything to keep me awake. Anything to keep me safe.
What happens during trauma? The energy increases significantly in the body in order to be able to escape/fight, can you run away or fight in childbirth? Of course not and after the birth I was bleeding heavy when the midwife tore apart my genitals. They had difficulty to stop the bleeding. I was stitched for 2h. I felt I was dying, that my last moment was here and the pain was indispensable.I did the best I could, I delivered my baby, and now I'm going to die.
After 2 years I still felt so strange in my body, I felt like a prisoner in my body. I don't know how many sleep experts in the world I've desperately contacted, all answering ”du gör allting rätt och mer än det vet vi tyvärr inte”I made a decision, I had to make that decision and I made that decision many times, att jag inte accepterar detta, jag SKA leva inte ”bara” överleva, jag ska kunna sova! Att vara glad för dom små framstegen jag gjort var svårt, men dom var inte små. Att först ha varit i konstant på min vakt, till i en grå dvala till att helt plötsligt kunna gäspa! Vilken tacksamhet jag kände, herre Jesus jag kan gäspa, sömnen kommer! Till att känna mig besviken och allt mörker kommer emot mig ”ska jag vara tacksam för en gäsp! Är det allt? Är detta ett liv?” Så ja, absolut jag pendlade mellan hopp och förtvivlan men med mina redskap, metoder och willpower I found a path. I tried everything, dared even though I was scared. Everything from the strongest sleeping pills to natural medicine, acupuncture, osteopath, homeopathic, kinesiology, massage, chiropractor and tested myself with all the food, spices, herbs and finally I found hypnosis. If you think about trauma, the last thing you want to do is let go of control, I thought that's what you needed to be hypnotized, but how wrong I was. You have full control and you reach your subconscious that controls and you reach it with awareness and with commands that are right for me/you. The body is holistic and I divide our well-being into three parts
- Physical - exercise, touch such as massage
- Chemical - our food/nutrition
- Emotional balance - what command we give the body i.e. our conscious thoughts and subconscious patterns
All three are needed, but the last, the emotional balance is crucial.
I have taught myself for more than half a decade to get 0-2h sleep/day to take care of my body and thoughts during all my waking hours to compensate for the lack of sleep. That's how I survived, that's the secret. When the body stopped sending signals, I had to find other solutions, including setting alarms on the clock when I was going to eat, going to the toilet, etc., I found all the tricks, tools because I wanted to live. ville leva. When you don't have progress, that's when it becomes difficult to keep the will strong and despair/hopelessness increases. What I had to do, among other things, was change my perspective on what progress was for me!
I now teach this knowledge both in the SleepHypnosis and in the instruction that you listen to before doing the hypnosis.
It has taken me several years to develop a hypnosis and instructions that work at complex levels such as techniques to calm rushing thoughts, how we can help the brain process thoughts in a waking state instead of during sleep so we allow ourselves to relax. Together with a fantastic music producer, I have also developed music that follows the techniques of my hypnosis for an even deeper effect. The sounds and music stimulate brain waves to release stress/trauma, open up to healing and eventually falls asleep. In healthcare, this technique in music is called Music Therapy.
How much do we have to sleep?
It's not just the number of hours that matters, it's the quality of sleep.
Adults usually need between six and nine hours of sleep per day. But it varies from person to person. It also varies depending on how effective sleep is, that is, how much deep sleep you have received.* Source: Christian Benedict. Babies and teenagers need more sleep. A newborn baby sleeps about 20 hours a day. Then the need for sleep decreases with age, apart from a temporary increase during adolescence. Teenagers usually have to sleep eight and a half to nine hours a day and 60-year-olds usually sleep about 6 hours.
Sleep is divided into so-called sleep cycles of about 90 minutes. During a sleep cycle, sleep alternates between different sleep phases.
Having a few bad nights is not dangerous,but if the difficulty of sleeping persists, it is important to consider the causes as soon as possible.
What is sleep paralysis?
The paralysis and hallucinations experienced during sleep paralysis are thus parts of REM sleep that have lingered even though they have already woken up. Often it feels like you can't breathe and like you're choking. Sleep paralysis can also lead to out-of-body experiences.
Why do you talk in your sleep?
It is called Somnilogy and is not a disease and usually happens when you have superficial sleep.
I wish you amazingly good sleep my friend!
– Anna Bursell