What is NLP ?
I combine different tools such as NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching and my own ToM Energy Release™ which is the most powerful combination! I always follow my client's needs for them to be able to increase their wellbeing.
NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming
Neuro - The brain and our thoughts. How we filter, sort and how we process information that we take in through all our senses.
Linguistic - Language and communication. How we communicate with ourselves and others to achieve the result we want. By understanding how others filter information, we can adapt the communication we distribute, so that the message gets through.
Programmering – Alla vanor, eller ovanor vi har. Vi skapar program för att inte behöva tänka på allting vi gör ”autopilot”). Ibland vill vi förändra en ovana och skapa program i vårt undermedvetna (och medvetna) som ökar vårt välmående. Vi har alla olika triggers, så som t.ex. fobier, stress, rökning och depression som vi skapat vanor för att hantera. Ofta en snabb reaktion där vi inte hinner tänka och ofta är kanske inte triggern och lösningen ens logisk, men den är så inprogrammerad att vi inte kan kontrollera det. Vi vet ofta vad som egentligen är bra för oss men är det inte inprogrammerat så kan det vara väldigt svårt att ändra den vanan/mönstret, därför är NLP så effektivt!
With NLP you work with these three parts and very easily you can say that you get tools for how to think, communicate and change your behaviors. And who does not want to take control of it?
We could summarize the basic philosophy with three keys:
We interpret reality as it looks from our perspective. There are always several ways to see and interpret.
We need to choose the most constructive and positive way for us to look at reality. When we do it often enough, we make our wellbeing a habit instead of a choice.
To be educated by both the amazing Paul McKenna & the fantastic co-founder of NLP Dr Richard Bandler was a great honor! Being able to combine this with coaching and with my own technique has taken me and my clients' wellbeing to a much higher level! - Anna